Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Vacancies under Oil India Limited, Dibrugarh, Assam

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Vacancies under
Oil India Limited, Dibrugarh, Assam'

OIL INDIA LIMITED, a Navratna Public Sector Undertaking is the pioneering and
second-largest national upstream Oil and Gas Company with a pan Indian presence
and growing global footprint. OIL is all set to conquer newer horizons of
all-round growth and excellence.

It is engaged in Exploration, Production and Transportation of crude oil,
natural gas and manufacture of LPG with its field Headquarters at Duliajan,
Dist. Dibrugarh, Assam. Oil India Ltd. invites applications from Indian
Nationals, to fill up the following posts:


Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of ` 43200-3%-66000
(starting Basic Pay of ` 43200), ` 36600-3%-62000(starting Basic Pay of `
36600), ` 32900-3%-58000 (starting Basic Pay of ` 32900), `
24900-3%-50500(starting Basic Pay of ` 24900) in Grades E, D, C and B

The selected candidates will have to serve a probationary period of one year and
will be confirmed after successful completion of the same.

Approximate total emoluments in Grades E, D, C and B at minimum of scale will
be around ` 100000 pm, ` 90000 pm, ` 70000 pm and ` 60000 pm. In addition to the
Basic Pay & Dearness Allowance (DA), other benefits include HRA or Company
leased/owned accommodation, Leave encashment, free medical benefits for self &
dependents, Gratuity/PF, Superannuation benefits etc, as per rules of the


Candidates fulfilling the above criteria may take a print out of the
application form given below and fill up the form in capital letters.

The completed application form along with a recent passport size photograph
enclosing attested copies (attested by Gazzetted Officer) of certificates and
mark sheets in support of (in the sequence)

i. Qualification,

ii. Age,

iii. Caste,

iv. Experience etc., should be duly marked / highlighted and sent by ordinary
post only to the following address:




v. The completed application form along with the relevant documents should reach
the above address latest by 04.03.2013.

For more details see


The unique post is on Sinaki (A PLACE FOR GOVT JOBS)
d copyright, 2011. Share it, but link back to this blog.
With best compliments

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Spesifikasi BlackBerry 10 dengan Keypad QWERTY

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Spesifikasi BlackBerry 10 dengan Keypad

Selain memperkenalkan BlackBerry Z10 dengan model layar sentuh penuh, perusahaan
BlackBerry juga merilis ponsel model papan ketik (keypad) fisik terbaru yang
diberi nama BlackBerry Q10.Meski saat ini tren ponsel pintar adalah layar sentuh
penuh, BlackB...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] AMD Radeon HD 6670

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'AMD Radeon HD 6670'

You don't always have to spend hundreds of dollars to have good graphics, and
the AMD Radeon HD 6670 is an excellent example of getting more than your money's
The HD 6670 is a very capable graphics card, especially if you don't need to run
every game or program on ultra or high settings. It is low profile, taking up
only one PCIe slot, but the heat sink fan can be a little big, blocking
additional slots. The card itself is barely over 8 inches long, shorter than
most higher end cards, making this a great option for smaller PC towers. The HD
6670 is capable of running DirectX 11 as well as OpenGL 4.1 and OpenCL 1.1. This
lets you use and play demanding software and games without having to worry about
your cards performance stalling.
To get the best performance out of the HD 6670, set your display settings to
medium and tweak individual graphic settings in your game to see what it can
handle. While you can always get strong graphics with good frame rates for
medium settings, the HD 6670 doesn't hold up as well in the high and ultra
settings with screen resolutions 1280 x 1024 and higher.
A very positive feature is AMD's Eyefinity multi-display technology, which
allows you to connect up to 4 monitors from a single card. Eyefinity allows you
to use multiple screens as if they were one, much like a television display at
your local electronics store. This gives you a type of peripheral vision and
enhances your game enjoyment considerably.
The greatest strength of the HD 6670 is its low power consumption. The HD 6670's
thermal design power, or TDP, is ranked at 66 watts, while sitting at 12 watts
when idle. This is very low compared other cards, and you will not have to
attach the HD 6670 to your power supply because it gets all the power it needs
from the PCIe port. Unlike other entry-level budget graphics cards, you can
overclock the Radeon HD 6670, but the card quickly heats up with the added
stress. We caution you to be careful when overclocking any processor, as it can
be risky and possibly burn out your video card or cause damage to your system.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kaskus Marketplace] Disewakan Apartemen Rusunami Kalibata Residence

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'Disewakan Apartemen Rusunami Kalibata

Permisi gan,Saya mau menyewakan unit rusunami 2 bedroom di kalibata city dengan
rincian sebagai berikut Tower Damar (D/06/AH)Type 2 Bedroom (33.80m2)Including 1
unit Air ConditionerHarga Sewa : Rp 18 juta / tahun *Maintenance Fee : Rp
2.592.135 /tahun ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Massive Graduate/Internships Recruitment at ExxonMobil

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Massive Graduate/Internships
Recruitment at ExxonMobil'

Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited (ExxonMobil),Operatorof NNPC / MPN JOINT
VENTURE , is recruiting qualified individuals as Trainee GeoscientistTrainee
Geoscientist :JOB TYPE : Full TimeJob LevelEntry Level / TraineesMin

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] Langkah Pembongkaran Kampas Rem Cakram Mobil

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Langkah Pembongkaran Kampas Rem Cakram

Cara ganti kampas rem depan mobil - Pembongkaran atau servisrem cakram mobil
diperlukan ketika kita mau mengganti kampas rem yang disebabkan mungkin rem
bunyi karena wear limit kampas rem sudah bersentuhan dengan disc brake. Mungkin
ketika mobil melakukan pengereman karena permukaan kampas rem licin dan
mengkilap yang menyebabkan rem bunyi. Mungkin juga karena pen kaliper macet yang
menjadi penyebab rem bunyi sehingga di perlukan langkah untuk membongkar dan
ganti kampas rem cakram mobil.
Untuk membongkar kampas rem mobil diperlukan beberapa peralatan atau tool:
1.Dongkrak untuk mengangkat roda depan
2.Kunci Roda
3.Kunci Pas,Ring atau kunci shock 12mm atau 14mm untuk buka baut pen caliper
4.Track untuk mendorong Piston Rem
5.Grease atau Pasta Caliper

Berikut Langkah-langkah atau Cara bongkar rem cakram mobil untuk ganti kampas
rem :
1.Siapkan kampas rem baru atau brake padsdan kendorkan semua mur roda yang mau
di bongkar brake pad atau kampas rem nya.
2.Dongkrak mobil bagian depan, di belakang roda yang mau di buka kampas rem nya
3.Lepas semua mur roda dengan kunci roda, mobil ada yang menggunakan 4 atau 5
mur roda
4.Buka roda,lepaskan dari hub roda,sehingga akan tampak gambar disc brake
seperti di bawah ini.
5.Gunakan kunci 12 atau 14 untuk buka pen caliper bagian bawah dan buka pegangan
slang minyak rem karena terkadang ada tipe mobil susah buka caliper tanpa buka
pegangan slang minyak rem.
6.Tarik Caliper ke atas setelah baut pen caliper terbuka, seperti gambar di
bawah ini
7.Buka dengan tarik kampas rem keluar ke arah samping dan jangan lupa cek
kondisi pelumasan pen caliper, pen caliper harus dengan mudah bisa ditarik atau
didorong. Jika pen caliper terasa keras saat di tarik atau di dorong kemungkinan
pelumasnya kering. Buka pen caliper bersihkan dengan kain dan beri pelumasan
yang tipis.
Perhatikan posisi plat yang ada di belakang kampas rem, kampas rem ada yang
menggunakan wear limit tertanam pada brake pads tetapi ada juga yang menggunakan
plat di belakang kampas rem untuk indikator wear limit atau indikator ketebalan
kampas rem.
8.Setelah kampas rem di buka, biar tidak lupa pindahkan plat yang ada di kampas
rem lama ke kampas rem baru.
9. Dorong piston kaliper ke belakang, hal ini untuk menyesuaikan dengan
ketebalan kampas rem baru, saat mendorong piston jangan lupa perhatikan minyak
rem yang ada di reservoir minyak rem. Karena minyak rem akan naik ketika piston
rem di dorong ke belakan, bertujuan agar tidak sampai tumpah supaya tidak
merusak cat yang ada di bawah reservoir minyak rem.

Alat untuk mendorong piston rem tidak harus memakai track seperti gambar
Tetapi juga bisa menggunakan bekas kampas rem yang mau diganti untuk mendorong
atau memundurkan piston rem dengan bantuan kunci roda,seperti gambar di bawah
ini. Dorongan pelan sesuai arah panah pada kunci roda, akan membuat piston
mundur, kalau di dorong keras akan percuma karena piston rem akan melawan. Video
di bawah juga terdapat sst - spesial service tool lain untuk mendorong piston
rem pada caliper.
10. Pasang Brake pad yang baru, langkahnya kebalikan dari saat melepas pada
point no 7 diatas, catatan jika brake pad menggunakan indikator jadi satu dengan
kampas rem, taruh kampas rem dengan indikator ketebalan ini di bagian dalam.
Jika kampas rem tidak terdapat indikator artinya indikator ketebalan kampas rem
ini berupa plat yang di pasang di belakang kampas rem,bisa di taruh sembarang
entah bagian luar atau bagian dalam.
11. Turunkan caliper atau pasang kaliper dan terakhir adalah memasang baut pen

12. Pasang roda dan hidupkan mesin,jangan langsung jalankan mobil, kemudian
tekan pedal rem beberapa kali, sampai pedal rem terasa keras, yang artinya rem
sudah bekerja dengan baik. Point ini penting karena jika mobil langsung di
jalankan sebelum pedal rem terasa keras, kita akan kaget karena rem akan kosong
seperti blong.

Panjang juga ya kalau ditulis, untuk lebih mudahnya luangkan waktu 2 menit lagi
untuk lihat video cara ganti kampas rem cakram depan mobil di bawah ini

Lihat juga Penyetelan Rem Tangan atau Rem Tromol

Article : Langkah Pembongkaran Kampas Rem Cakram Mobil

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

Rabu, 30 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] New ESRC project looking at Travel to School and Local Housing Markets - opportunity for 18 month post-doc position

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'New ESRC project
looking at Travel to School and Local Housing Markets - opportunity for 18 month
post-doc position'

Ed Ferrari (Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Sheffield)
has been successful in securing funding from the ESRC's Secondary Data Analysis
Initiative for a study of the links between travel to school, local housing
markets, and educ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Profil dan Biodata Wanda Hamidah

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Profil dan Biodata Wanda Hamidah'

Profil dan Biodata Wanda Hamidah - Banyak sekali orang-orang di indonesia
menanyakan siapa itu Wanda Hamidahyang sangat heboh-hebohnya di indonesia
terkait penangkapan Aktor sekaligus pembawa acara Musik Dahsyat Raffi Ahmad
dengan kasus Penggunaa...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] Google to Support Windows Phone ActiveSync Until July

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'Google to Support Windows
Phone ActiveSync Until July'

Google has decided to delay its plans to cease supporting ActiveSync for Windows
Phone until July 31, reports The Verge. Microsoft had been prepared to end
ActiveSync support, which Gmail subscribers use to sync Gmail, contacts, and
calendar data to Wi...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,


Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'AC SPLIT MERK TCL 1PK @ 2UNIT FREE


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Security Job Opportunity – Operations Manager Iraq

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Security Job Opportunity –
Operations Manager Iraq'

Prerequisite Experience:
The successful candidate will be a proactive, dynamic, entrepreneurial
professional with at least 4 years of supervisory protective operations
experience in either Iraq or Afghanistan with a proven record of successful
contract compliance and administration.
Purpose of Role:
Assume responsibility for day-to-day operations coordination and contract
compliance across several task orders in Iraq under a contract between Olive
Group North America LLC (OGNA) and the United States Department for Defense.
Key Tasks and Responsibilities:

Participate in all phases of the projects contract lifecycle including
administration and execution.
Coordinate leave rotation schedules for OGNA staff and provide oversight for
each task orders leave rotation schedules
Coordinate with Project Director for Olive Group Free Zone LLC (OGFZ) to ensure
OGFZ assets are effectively deployed to satisfy contractual obligations
Proactively participate in management of the contractual relationship with the
US Government ensuring the smooth running of the project and contractual
Implement effective risk management and mitigation strategies.
Oversee effective, compliant contract administration to meet and surpass the
standards of the US Government.
Ensure effective management of scope change and contract variations providing
clear communication and guidance to the operational teams and others as
To manage operations of cost reimbursement, time and material, and fixed priced
contract types.
To analyze complex issues and coordinate the resolution of any problems that
arise with limited supervision.
To liaise with customer and internal technical representatives in accordance
company policy, applicable laws and ethical business judgment.
Prepare and present proposed contractual updates to OGNAs senior management.
Communicate effectively and provide adequate education and guidance to the
Project Managers to anticipate needs and advise as required.
Maintains contract files along with the Contracts Director, in established
formats. Enforces compliance with contractual requirements and monitors contract
progress in relation to an established schedule in order to recommend an
appropriate established schedule.
Essential Capabilities/Skills:
4 years of related work experience with the US Government in the operational
management of protective services.
Be eligible to hold a US Secret security clearance
In depth Middle East, Northern Africa business exposure and knowledge.
Strong leadership and communication skills.
Dedicated and hard working.
Willingness to work world-wide up to 75% of the time.
Strong team player who can communicate effectively with both technical and
commercial team members and subcontractors.
Excellent organizational and time management skills.
Ability to manage frequently evolving workload priorities.
Ability to make effective presentations to customers and senior management.
Excellent communication skills and command of the English language is
Intermediate user of MS Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.
Experience with complex government contracts is desirable.
A bachelors degree from an accredited educational institution or relevant
military experience commensurate with responsibilities outlined above.

This will link you to the recruiting companys website.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] [TIPS] Perbaiki kisi2 AC double Blower Mitsubishi Kuda

Info Mobil has posted a new item, '[TIPS] Perbaiki kisi2 AC double Blower
Mitsubishi Kuda'

Entah karena sudah tua sehingga engsel dari kisi-kisi AC double blower kuda ini
patah atau mungkin karena kecerobohan penumpang saat menggerakkan kisi-kisi AC
secara kasar sehingga menjadi patah.
Kalau dilihat konstruksinya memang selain terlihat tipis dibagian ujung, dia
juga mudah patah kalau dipaksa digeser ke atas dan ke bawah dengan tenaga
extra,.makanya hati-hati saat menggerakkannya.
Nah sekarang gimana kalau sudah terlanjut patah,...?? biasanya pemilik kendaraan
akan membeli yg baru dan itu biasanya sulit didapat, ada solusi mudah untuk
melakukan perbaikan sendiri dan bahan-bahannya juga gampang diperoleh.
Yuk ikuti tips berikut untuk memperbaiki kisi-kisi AC double blower yang patah,
pertama-tama siapkan dulu alatdan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan lihat gambar 1
berikut ini:

Proses pembuatan dan pembentukan plastik pengganti bagian ujung kisi-kisi AC yg
patah, buat plastik dengan ukuran 500mmX150mm, lalu bentuk dan tekuk seperti
informasi di gambar 2
Setelah plastik terbentuk maka proses selanjutnya adalah penempelan dengan
menggunakan power glue.
Selipkan plastik diantara kisi-kisi AC yg patah lalu berikuat power glue,
diamkan beberapa saat sampai menempel dengan sempurna.
Kemudian kalau plastik sudah menempel buatlah lubang dengan menggunakan solder,
lubang ini nantinya akan masuk kedalam pin yg ada di body AC doble blower (lihat
gambar 3)
Setelah kisi-kisi ACdilubangi dibagian plastiknya, maka selesailah sudah
prosesnya. dan kita tinggal memasang adaptor hitam (lihat gambar 3 kanan atas)
disetiap lubang.
Kisi-kisi AC double blower siap dipasang di body AC double blower, hati-hati
dalam memasang jangan sampai adaptor hitam malah masuk kedalam blower body.
Pastikan terpasang sempurna dan kisi-kisi AC dapat bergerak bebas keatas dan
Selamat mencoba ya,..lumayan dari pada beli baru belum tentu dapat dan harganya
juga lumayan tuuuh,...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lagu.CO] Profil dan Foto Camilla Belle Terbaru

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'Profil dan Foto Camilla Belle Terbaru'

Camilla Belle memiliki nama lengkap Camilla Belle Routh. Ia adalah seorang
aktris berkebangsaan Amerika Serikat keturunan Portugis yang menjadi terkenal
saat bermain utama di film When a Stranger Calls dan Rip Girls. Ia berkarier di
dunia film sejak ta...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader - UNOPS - Jerusalem, Palestine (State of)

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Programme
Management Office (PMO) Team Leader - UNOPS - Jerusalem, Palestine (State of)'

Vacancy code: VA/2013/B5106/1775
Position title: Programme Management Office (PMO) Team Leader
Level: ICS-10
Department/office: EMO, Jerusalem
Duty station: Jerusalem, Palestine (State of)
Contract type: International ICA
Contract level: IICA-2
Duration: One year
Application period: 25-Jan-2013 to 08-Feb-2013

Background Information - UNOPS

UNOPS plays a critical role in providing management services for our
life-saving, peacebuilding, humanitarian and development operations. I have seen
many examples of how these activities help suffering people in troubled parts of
the world. -Ban Ki-moon, United Nations Secretary-GeneralUNOPS mission is to
expand the capacity of the UN system and its partners to implement
peacebuilding, humanitarian and development operations that matter for people in
need.Working in some of the worlds most challenging environments, UNOPS vision
is to always satisfy partners with management services that meet world-class
standards of quality, speed and cost effectiveness.By assisting UN
organizations, international financial institutions, governments and other
development partners, UNOPS makes significant, tangible contributions to results
on the ground.UNOPS employsmore than 6000personneland on behalf of its partners
creates thousands more work opportunities in local communities. With its
headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark, a network of five regional offices and a
further 20 operations and project centres, UNOPS oversees activities in more
than 80 countries.UNOPS is committed to achieving a truly diverse workforce.

Background Information - Jerusalem

Jerusalem The UNOPS Jerusalem office opened in 2006 and now has sub-offices in
East Jerusalem, Ramallah and Jericho. The portfolio includes infrastructure,
procurement, human resources, capacity building, access coordination and
security projects for partners and beneficiaries throughout the occupied
Palestinian territory.
Background Information - Job-specific
A Programme Management Office (PMO) is required to be established at the
Jerusalem Project Centre (JMPC) to support the achievement of project level
results that contribute to programme level success. The PMO is to provide a
decision-enabling and delivery-support structure for JMPC. The PMO Team is made
up of a Team Leader as well as a number of Project Associates and Project
Assistants. Reporting to the Project Center Director of the Jerusalem Office,
and working closely with other PMO Team members, JMPC Project Managers and
personnel across JMPC and UNOPS; The PMO Team Leader will work on defining
project support needs and ensure joint planning between Programme and Support in
addition to ensuring the highest possible quality of delivery and devise
strategies for increased program delivery and quality programming. S/he will
also be working closely with the UNOPS Project Management Practice to introduce
best practices and corporate compliance for project management under the JMPC
Functional Responsibilities

The PMO Team Leader will further be required to assume the following specific
tasks: Resource Management and Integration:
Oversee the collective work of the PMO team and development of team plans;
Manage competency, availability and performance of PMO team;
Work with the various JMPC Project Managers to define their project support
Provide temporary capacity and resources for surge purposes in selected
In collaboration with the JMPC Development Group and other working groups,
specify competencies needed by the PMO team and JMPC staff in general, identify
current competencies, develop training and education programs to achieve
competency objectives;
Act as assigned or temporary Project Manager for any other projects as directed
by the JMPC Director;

Technical Support:
Coach, mentor, train and otherwise support PMO Team members in the fulfillment
of their project support functions;
Act as an advisory resource for other PMO Team personnel who are supervised
daily by JMPC Project Managers;
Work closely with the UNOPS Project Management Practice to introduce best
practices and corporate compliance for project management under the JMPC
programme, ensure common approach and frame of reference to project management
process and practices as well as relevant project management tools;
Ensures that PMO Team members have an up to date understanding of the UNOPS
Legislative Framework and JMPC procedures, as it pertains to their roles as PMO
Team members;
Standardize and introduce economies of repetition in the execution of projects;
Ensure risk registers and issue logs are maintained within all projects; all
projects go through a quarterly end stage review, or equivalent; All projects
report on time and in accordance with legal agreements; Projects document Centre
(PDCs) and Leads are regularly updated and maintained as appropriate;
Other Services / Delivery Support may include providing expertise for start-up
of programmes or projects, planning and closing projects, conducting regular
health checks;

Business Performance Management:
Examine current state of projects, introduce oversight mechanism needed to
achieve organizational competency and maturity goals and control of project
progress against planned;
Identify and respond to weak or troubled project performance;
Support and facilitate management decision-making by assessments on alignment
with the JMPC as well as UNOPS strategy, tracking of benefits, preparation of
management dashboards/reports and recommendations;
Establish a preferred, standard approach to project planning across JMPC;
Provide, or ensure the provision of, support to all JMPC Project Boards as they
undertake their assurance roles, including but not necessarily limited to
assurance related to Project and Programme success criteria, as defined by the
JMPC Director and/or the UNOPS Project Management Practice.
Customer Relationship Management:
Participate in business development and stakeholder relationship building;
Maintain close contact with the client to identify and pursue business
opportunities within UNOPS geographic and thematic scope; initiate the necessary
associated arrangements;
In consultation with the PC Director, negotiate the most cost effective and
mutually beneficial terms for UNOPS services with prospective clients and

Acts for the Project Centre Director when requested to do so by her/him;
Participates in the collective work of the JMPC management team;
Regularly review and decide on the PMO structure and objectives as necessary to
drive successful project delivery.


General competencies:
Planning and Organizing
Judgment and Decision Making
High proficiency with computers in particular MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, and
the Internet
High organizational skills
Able to work efficiently with minimal direction

Managerial Competencies:
Demonstrates ability to coordinating, communicating and managing tasks to a
tight schedule;
Demonstrated understanding of the risk factors associated with project delivery
and an ability to mitigate against these;
Ability to delegate, empower, support and inspire team members;
Ability to establish priorities, to plan, and be able to deliver to timelines;
Ability to work long hours in fast-paced, often stressful environment;
Ability to work in demanding cultural context with transitional government
partners, under challenging physical conditions and poor national
Highly motivated with a positive attitude and problem-solving approach;
Demonstrated ability to mentor staff;

Demonstrated ability to manage the production of all project documentation to a
professional and accurate standard;
High proficiency with computers in particular MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook, and
the Internet
Attention to Detail;
Good communication skills including ability to write policy and prepare and
present concise reports in English;
Inter-personal and communication skills;
High organizational skills;
Able to work efficiently with minimal direction;

Education/Experience/Language requirements
a. Education Qualifications Required:
Masters degree in project management, business administration, construction
management, international relations or another relevant degree;
Additional years of relevant work experience, preferably in combination with a
relevant bachelors degree, may substitute for the requirement for a masters
degree field

b. Work Experience
5 years of relevant project management experience;
Experience in dealing with customers and clients and providing a high degree of
customer support, education, and service;
Experience in team management and skills development;
Experience in all aspects of project management including, financial management,
budget management, contract management, risk management, staff management,
quality and safety management, program management and reporting;
Ability to travel between Jerusalem and the West Bank essential;
A PRINCE2 or equivalent project management qualification is highly desired;
Experience using Atlas or a similar enterprise resource planning system is
highly desired;
Risk management experience is highly desired;
Quality management experience is highly desired;
Results based management experience is essential;
Experience operating in an ISO: 9001 compliant environment is highly desired

Languages:Fluency in English is required, both oral and written.
Contract type, level and duration
Contract type: Individual Contractor AgreementContract level: International ICA
Level 2Contract duration: One YearFor moredetails about the ICA contractual
modality, please follow this

Additional Considerations

Please note that the closing date is midnight Copenhagen time (CET)
Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
Only those candidates that are short-listed for interviews will be notified.
Qualified female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
For staff positions UNOPS reserves the right to appoint a candidate at a lower
level thanthe advertised level of the post
The incumbent is responsible to abide by security policies, administrative
instructions, plans and procedures of the UN Security Management System and that

Apply Online

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Bahaya Durian bagi kandungan

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Bahaya Durian bagi kandungan'

Bahaya Durian bagi kandungan/kehamilan Secara umum buah-buahan yang dapat
menggugurkan/berbahaya bagi kandungan adalah memiliki sifat-sifat seperti :Buah
yang kurang matang atau buah muda,Buah yang mengandung alkohol,Buah yang
bersifat Panas seperti nanas dan durian.Khususnya buah durian, dimana buah ini
juga sangat tidak disarankan dikonsumsi oleh ibu mengandung.Berikut sifat-sifat
buah durian, dimana durian dapat membahayakan kandungan dan kehamilan:Didalam
Buah durian terkandung dua zat yang pada kadar tertentu dapat memberi efek
negatif terhadap kehamilan. Dua zat tersebut adalah alkohol dan asam
arachidonat. Seperti banyak diketahui, alkohol dapat mengakibatkan gangguan
tumbuh kembang untuk janin. Salah satu akibat yang banyak ditemui adalah berat
badan lahir yang rendah.Sedangkan asam arachidonat adalah suatu senyawa yang
merupakan prekursor alias pencetus pembentukan prostaglandin. Prostaglandin
sendiri adalah suatu senyawa yang dapat merangsang kontraksi rahim yang
berakibat pada keguguran (pada trimester pertama) atau kelahiran prematur (pada
kehamilan di bawah 36 minggu)Buah Durian juga berbahaya pada kehamilan, untuk
ibu yang memiliki gangguan maag, hal ini karena buah durian dapat memproduksi
gas di dalam lambung manusia. Pada ibu hamil yang memiliki penyakit maag,
terkadang ini bisa menimbulkan rasa kembung dan mual. Masalahnya sakit maag yang
pernah diderita akan menjadi kambuh.Dengan rasa buah durian yang menggiurkan
(bagi penggemarnya), namun alangkah baiknya dihindari pada saat hamil.Tunggu
saja nanti jika sang jabang bayi sudah lahir,, tidak lama kok :D ,, jadi tahan
dulu untuk sementara waktu.
Kumpulan Artikel Menarik | Tips Cara Terbaik

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Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'JASA PHOTO EDITING & CUSTOM

JASA PHOTO EDITING & CUSTOM PHOTOWORKSMelayani editing foto dan customize gambar
untuk berbagai keperluan (brosur, foto produk, banner, dll) dengan harga
terjangkau. Agan - agan sekalian dapat menampilkan foto terbaik tanpa malu
karena foto yang ag...

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Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Computer Operators, Office Assistant Job Opportunity

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Computer Operators, Office Assistant
Job Opportunity'

Information Of This JobJob Title: Computer Operators, Office Assistant Job
Opportunity Page updated on: September 12, 2012 ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] Auto: Rush 2007 tipe 7, mulus dan servis rutin resmi

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Auto: Rush 2007 tipe 7, mulus dan servis
rutin resmi'

Title: Rush 2007 tipe 7, mulus dan servis rutin resmi

Catagory: Jual Kendaraan

Description: Mobil ini mau dijual cepat karena pemilikinya mau pindah ke
luar negeri. Di jual 155, dan bisa nego. Hub: 081241574742.

Sekitar 64000km, dan servis regular d...

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Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lagu.CO] Lirik Lagu Bad Boy => 100%

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'Lirik Lagu Bad Boy => 100%'

[ChanYong] YeahOne hundred percent, no doubt
[JongHwan] eochapi ggeunnan geoni ibyeol lorae majjijamsi nege machwi machin
saram gatiggeojyeojullae ijeojullae naran nom nom nom
[HyukJin]saranghan neuggim jamsi neodo nado banchikuri dureun machi bulgwa
gireum gatimajuchijil ankil deo jichijil ankil yaksokae-hae-hae
[RokHyun]uriga wae sarangeul haeseo ireoke apeun geonjiuriga wae jagguman
ibyeoreul jaechok haneun geonji
[HyukJin] uri uljineun malja majuchijido maljahimdeulgeol da areo chamabomyeo
sareogeurae geureoke haengbokage utja
[SangHoon]Get out, get out, get outGet out, get out, get outGet out, get out,
get outGet out, get out, get out out out out
[MinWoo]geureoke ggeunnal neoni ireoneun ge majjini insaeng da mangchin michin
namjagatiggeojyeo julgge ichyeo julgge naran nom nom nom
[ChangBum] saranghan neuggim jamsi neodo nado banchikuri dureun machi bulgwa
gireum gatimajuchijil ankil deo jichijil ankil yaksokae-hae-hae
[RokHyun]uriga wae sarangeul haeseo ireoke apeun geonjiuriga wae jagguman
ibyeoreul jaechok haneun geonji
[JongHwan] uri uljineun malja majuchijido maljahimdeulgeol da areo chamabomyeo
sareogeurae geureoke haengbokage utja
[ChanYong] soyong eopseo geu ddawi sarangdeo isangeun an hae neorang narangmilgo
danggigi jigyeowo jugobatgineoboda deo meotjin yeoja hwaggeunhan sarang
chajagaeochapi uri dureun ggeunna ggeunna ggeunnae
[RokHyun] uriga wae[HyukJin] uriga wae!sarangeul haeseo ireoke apeun geonjiuriga
wae jagguman ibyeoreul jaechok haneun geonji
[HyukJin] uri uljineun malja majuchijido malja[RokHyun] No!himdeulgeol da areo
([RokHyun]No) chamabomyeo sareo[RokHyun]Nogeurae geureoke haengbokage
utja[RokHyun]No! No-ooh
[SangHoon] Get out, get out, get outGet out, get out, get outGet out, get out,
get outGet out, get out, get out out out out, out out out
English translate :
One Hundred Percent No doubtWere over anyway so this is a breakup songI was put
under by you like a crazy personWill you go away? Will you forget a guy like
me?This momentary feeling of love was foul play by you and meWe were like fire
and gasolineI hope we dont run into each otherLets promise that we wont get
tired anymoreWhy did we love and hurt like this?Why did we keep rushing
separation?Lets not cry, lets not run into each otherI know itll be hard but
lets just hold it inYeah just like that, lets laugh happilyGet it out Get it out
Get it out Get it out Get it out Get it outGet it out Get it out Get it out Get
it out Get it out Get it outSince its over like this with you, this is the right
thing to doIm like a crazy guy who ruined your lifeSo Ill go away, Ill be
forgotten a guy like meThis momentary feeling of love was foul play by you and
meWe were like fire and gasolineI hope we dont run into each otherLets promise
that we wont get tired anymoreWhy did we love and hurt like this?Why did we keep
rushing separation?Lets not cry, lets not run into each otherI know itll be hard
but lets just hold it inYeah just like that, lets laugh happilyLove like this is
pointlessI wont do this anymore with you and meIm sick of the push and pull, the
give and takeI will find a better girl, a hotter loveIts finished between us
anyway in the endWhy did we love and hurt like this?Why did we keep rushing
separation?Lets not cry, lets not run into each otherI know itll be hard but
lets just hold it inYeah just like that, lets laugh happilyGet it out Get it out
Get it out Get it out Get it out Get it outGet it out Get it out Get it out Get
it out Get it out Get it out
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.9

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Senin, 28 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] MPW Completion Status for DIB Students

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'MPW Completion
Status for DIB Students'

Dear All DIB Students,I noted that some of you have yet to complete your MPW
courses. Please take note that even if you complete all 26 courses of DIP-BUS
but have yet to complete all 3 MPW courses, your name cannot be included in the
graduating list a...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] 5 Alat Kesehatan Terbaru Pada CES 2013

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, '5 Alat Kesehatan Terbaru Pada CES 2013'

Ada banyak gadget dan perangkat
kesehatan baru diperkenalkan di CES 2013 kamarin yang diadakan di Las Vegas
baru-baru ini.Itu membuktikan bahwa, selera dan kepercayaan masyarakat
terhadap pendeteksi kesehatan masih tinggi yang dikeluar...

You may view the latest post at

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[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] iPhone 5 vs HTC Droid DNA

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'iPhone 5 vs HTC Droid DNA'

iPhone 5 vs. Droid DNA: Which buzz should you get?No eventually does Apple
appear the iPhone 5 than HTC and Verizon amplify with the Droid DNA. Where the
iPhone 5 is abbreviate and sophisticated, the Droid DNA is big and atrociously
powerful. Where App...

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[Kaskus Marketplace] ASUS GAMING N43SL. core i5-2430m. ram 4gb. hdd 750gb. nvidia gt540m 2gb. MULUS LUS LU

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'ASUS GAMING N43SL. core i5-2430m. ram
4gb. hdd 750gb. nvidia gt540m 2gb. MULUS LUS LU'

Quote:Original Posted By lunaqua4755 G nya udah nyampe. Barangnya semulus yang
ada di foto atas. Testi buat penjualnya ya :Bro andy ini ramah, diajak nego -
dikasih turun harganya mayan. Ane transfer gak pake rekber, karena ane yakin nih
bro gakkan nipu. Selesai transfer, langsung dikirim (pake cerita nyari ekspedisi
yang bisa kasih garansi barang). Akhirnya jatuh ke tiki dengan ONS +
Ane cuma diminta 100rb buat ongkir, ternyata ongkirnya 150 rb (ditombok sm
beliau ); saking baiknya dia melayani pelanggan.... - (bro, ane masih punya
utang ya sm bro 50rb--next transaksi ya ane bayar)
ane klaim nih bro andy sebagai
tahu gini ane ambil tuh lenovo g470 sm asus a43sj di lapak sebelumnya...sayang
dah keduluan diembat sm orang...
thanks buat layanannya ya, bro..moga sukses sm lapak-lapaknya dan kalo ada
barang bagus bolehlah kita bertransaksi lagi..
Quote:Original Posted By cah.ngapak
Selamat sore gan Andi terimakasih buat modemnya ya gan..pelayanan baik..sms
saya yg cerewet ini ditanggapi terus dg ramah..kl ada barang2 yang oke punya
lagi, boleh kabari saya lagi..terimakasih gan..

Quote:Original Posted By Sartogi

Quote:Original Posted By vectoree orang kantoran sibuk tapi asik nih si
agan..cod di sekitar menara jamsostek..ga lama2 dah percaya aje ma die mah..tes
di rumah ok sesuai yang disebutkan..agan inih.. RECOMENDED SELLER
Quote:Original Posted By andykita SOLD BY ME
Recomended Seller deh agan yang satu ini, barang2 yg dijual sesuai dengan thread
nya. Thx gan,,
Quote:Original Posted By elevengc gan ane yang tadi pagi cod, gak sempet di tes
soalnya buru2 pas di tes lancar abis, gak ada masalah, mantap buat barangnya,
recomended seller deh buat agan, thanks
Quote:Original Posted By juluwjuluw EMANG AGAN YANG 1 INI MANGSTABB BGTSAMPE DI
Quote:Original Posted By s1nar gan br kasi testi ni,br beres tes2 asus nya hehe
semua work well gan,barang nya masi ok dan performa mantap,tp ada tp nya ni
gan,stiker nya dicopot ada lumayan bnyk lecet gitu gan,ya tp overall agan ini
tetep karena mau diajak cod yg jauh dr tempat agan minta cod,karena ane ga tau
jln gan
Quote:Original Posted By beruangkupret sedikit pengalaman ane nih ama agan yg
satu ini....klo agan ini jualan lagi, pokonya jangan ragu deh utk
transaksibarang & pelayanannya pokonya ane yg kemarin ke kntr agan nih
Quote:Original Posted By adjeez terima kasih bro buat barangnya, so far okee bgt
makasih juga buat es teh manisnya
Quote:Original Posted By rusman2a thx 1215b nya gan,mudah2an awet..
Quote:Original Posted By .tulalit. sold to me, kondisi barang sesuae yg

Quote:Original Posted By zipo barangnya bagus, recommended seller dah
Quote:Original Posted By rdmozero sold to me
barangnya mantab, sesuai sama yang di lapak, agannya ramah lagi
pokoknya agan gayusbogor ini adalah RECOMMENDED SELLER
cek kulkas yah gan, ada sedikit hadiah dari ane
Quote:Original Posted By Herizal fauzi jarang2 nie nemu seller jujur kya agan..
orang nya sabar,, on time,, ramah dan enak di ajak ngobrol. ..
pokoknya bisa di percaya degh klu beli dari seller ini..
enggak ragu lagi tak kasih agan dapet julukan dari "saya"

Quote:Original Posted By apelo siiip, Brobarang bagus, good seller! thanks ya
Quote:Original Posted By sandyana PERHATIANHati-hati Bertransaksi Dengan Agan
Yang satu iniKarena Dia Bener-benerRecommended Seller Abis dahBarangnya Maknyos
Abies..........!!!Dapet Potongan Harga Yang Lumayan Lah buat Beli Bensin
Quote:Original Posted By wr00ny Lapor gan
onyx2 udah mendarat di rumah, pantesan mahal ongkos kirimnya, di pakein packing
kayu segala sih hehehe
barang manteb n servis memuaskan nih sellernya
thx to piggybank atas kerjasamanya
Quote:Original Posted By a.xu barang sudah diterima dengan amankondisi barang
sesuai dengan keterangan di lapakjadi
pencairan dana sedang dalam proses
Quote:Original Posted By sarungandirumah KONFIRMASI
ASUS A42JA-VX077D nya dah nyampe dengan selamat, dan terbukti walo namanya si
agan gayusbogor, tp ternyata si agan seller yg jujur walo masih newbie.So far
sih ane masih puas sama barangnya,
Btw thanx ya gan, gw jd bs punya lapy lumyan murah meriah

Quote:Original Posted By XkutucomputerX Paket udah ane terima Gan!.. Trimakasih
Gan!!.. Testi ny nyusul y Gan, lagi OL ma HP ni Gan...
Quote:Original Posted By randafl tq gan atas barangnya meskipun jne nya lama bgt
barang kirim senin sampenya jumat makasig bgt yah gan ane dpt lptp murah
Quote:Original Posted By rossimovic makasih gan,,,,,
laptop berjalan lancar tanpa kendala.........

top markotop...........
RECSELL deh pokonya.............!!!!!!!!
Quote:Original Posted By buatngaskus gan, ni ane yang beli asus a43sj di menara
jamsostek hari senen 21 mei kemaren,,semua mulus gan, termasuk usb ma
webcamnya.ane relain bolos kerja demi barang bagus ga rugi dah beli barang di
agan yang satu ini.
ni agan emang
Quote:Original Posted By artileri67 Gan, ane yang COD di Jaksel.....Laptop udah
ane bawa sampe Tanjung Pinang nih,ok banget!Gak salah neh transaksi sama agan
ini.Orangnya ramah, ane telat karena macet tetap ditungguin
Quote:Original Posted By ugijugil Report dari Surabaya:
Gan, barang sudah ane terima nih, sip deh. OK punya ni agan
ni link laporan ane sama
Quote:Original Posted By Holyprayer Barangnya mantap, kondisi mulus garansi
sesuai yang di thread, udah di cek langsung
Dengan ini ane nyatakan agan sebagai RECOMMENDED SELLER
Quote:Original Posted By cblak10 SOLD TO ME

Laptop nya bagus and diluar ekspektasi ane gan....Pas COD pun ramah banget
orangnya..masih jam kerja, tapi tetep sabar nungguin laptop nya ane cek...
Quote:Original Posted By Bahtiar88 Satu kata : Memuaskan !!
Laptop udah sampe di Magelang dng selamat, lengkap, persis spt di lapak. :
Pake JNE YES super cepat, packing kayu, gak sampe 12 jam udah sampe di Magelang
Pokoke Agan satu ni :RECOMMENDED SELLER !!
Quote:Original Posted By paladinmsv Sold to me COD di Menara Jamsostek.
Laptopnya mantep gan. Cocok sama yg ada di thread. Orangnya juga ramah. Hehe.
Thx gan
Quote:Original Posted By DiEs sesuai janji mau testi...
om TS sangat2 recommended seller...gimana ndak...
diladenin dgn baik...ngobrol2 juga masih di ladenin...ngomong apa adanya soal
kondisi dan kelengkapan barang...
sayang aja pake acara ada yg nyap2...kalo ndak udah janjian tadi buat boyong
asus ini...
sooo...no worries...monggo transaksi sama om TS...
again...Very Recommended Seller...
Quote:Original Posted By siiozan gan mau testi nih, ane yang kemarin cod di
taman topi
Jangan ragu deh transaksi sama agan ini, barangnya mantep, sesuai di trit
harganya juga reasonable doi sampe bela2in ujan2 cod ke bogo
pokoknya dah

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Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace


Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'HARGA DAIHATSU JANUARI 2013'


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lagu.CO] JYJ's Kim Jae Joong Merilis Video Teaser Yang Sangat Kuat

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'JYJ's Kim Jae Joong Merilis Video Teaser Yang
Sangat Kuat'

JYJ Kim Jae Joong baru-baru ini merilis sebuah video teaser untuk solo
pertamanya.Pada tanggal 11 Januari, manajemen tempat Jaejoong bernaung, C-Jes
Entertainment, merilis sebuah video teaser untuk "mine" judul lagu dari Album
solo pertamanya.Dalam vid...

You may view the latest post at

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Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Engagement Telecom Manager - Peppers & Rogers - Kuwait/Tunisia

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Engagement
Telecom Manager - Peppers & Rogers - Kuwait/Tunisia'

- Ability to manage multiple Telco projects across different management
disciplines- Identify potential key accounts making sure the right resources are
properly allocated and responsibilities are well defined amongst team members-
Create a stakeholder analysis plan by identifying key decision makers and budget
holders in key accounts and developing customized approach methods to target
each differently- Formulate a clear analysis on the clients' business needs
,weaknesses, competitive advantages, areas of improvement and develop solution
to address these concerns by evaluating PRG's existing & potential resources and
offerings- Manage the account from strategy formulation ,execution, resource
allocation, continuous progress monitoring and cost measurement ensuring on time
delivery and client- Set milestones and create a progress report that would help
identify prospective business potentials with existing client accounts as well-
Conduct weekly internal meetings with project team members to ensure proper
delivery- Adopt an open and proactive approach with the clients by presenting
all potential hurdles and the mitigation methodology used by PRG- Build and
analyze a gap analysis to identify improvement areas and assess the tools needed
to achieve the desired future targets that would best suit the client needs-
Follow up on other contractual duties as pricing, invoicing and payment cycles-
Develop relationship with existing engagements to help build strong team by
expanding across departments and divisions.- Take part in PRG's development
initiatives including business development and promotion of our customer centric
driven culture- Manage & Develop the team by providing insight and coaching,
monitoring performance and assessing progress over time whilst engaging team
members in socialization events as wellRequirements- At Least minimum of 6 years
experience in Management consultancy for the Telco Industry and project
management- Successfully managed multiple and large scale Telco projects-
Bachelor degree from an accredited university, MBA is a plus- Experience in
strategic planning and execution- Excellent written and verbal communication-
Ability to travel to other locations as per business needs- Strong Decision
Making and facilitation skills- Team leadership skills- Strong Research
methodology and analytical skills- High level of client service commitment and
awareness- Knowledge of contracting, negotiating, and change management- Ability
to analyze and interpret financial data- Ability to develop and deliver
strategic presentations- Ability to motivate teams and simultaneously manage
several projects- Expertise in professional written and verbal communication and
interpersonal skills- Track record of client satisfaction based upon projects
delivered on time and on budgetSend CV indicating the position name in the
subject line to hr@1to1.com

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] 5 Manfaat Mandi di Malam Hari

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, '5 Manfaat Mandi di Malam Hari'

Manfaat Mandi di Malam Hari. Saat Anda lelah bekerja seharian, tak jarang dari
Anda yang memilih tidak mandi dan hanya ganti baju untuk tidur. Sebaiknya Anda
mulai mengurangi kebiasaan itu. Mitos yang menyatakan mandi malam dapat
menyebabkan penyakit...

You may view the latest post at

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[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] Philanthropy 2.0: Giving in the Digital Age

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'Philanthropy 2.0: Giving in
the Digital Age'

Raising funds for charity once meant schlepping to venues, dealing with
caterers, finding people to fill seats, piles of paperwork and months of
planning. On smaller scales, it involved selling candy bars in front of CVS or
standing on street corners...

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[Kaskus Marketplace] ★★ TICKET / TIKET JAVA JAZZ 2013 [ JUMAT - SABTU - MINGGU ] 1 2 3 MARET 2013 ★★

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, '★★ TICKET / TIKET JAVA
JAZZ 2013 [ JUMAT - SABTU - MINGGU ] 1 2 3 MARET 2013 ★★'


MARCH 2013

@ IDR 350.000PHONE : 08 9797 999 21PIN : 2778C5E0 <--- YG TERAKHIR ANGKA NOL
Quote:Original Posted By Testimonials
Quote:Original Posted By arymbe wah mantep beli sama bos yang ini
deh pokoknya gasalah beli di bos ini :
Quote:Original Posted By icanjauhari bro vebel jerseynya mantap banget deh!!
milan gue uda dateng dan mantep!!
Quote:Original Posted By j0h4n35 RECOMENDED SELLERdah agan yg satu
ini...barangnya barusan nyampe rumah ane gan...kondisi barangnya juga rapi...
dan juga pelayanannya oke tidak suka marah2smoga ini di pertahankan...
Quote:Original Posted By TresnoJayaPlas thx buat TS jersey INTER ane udah datang
ari sabtu!
buat agan!
tingkatkan kualitas patchnya lagi gan! biar jerseynya tambah awet
ini gan penampakan jerseynya
Quote:Original Posted By depdep gan...JERSEY MUnya udah ampe jogja dengan
selamat...jerseynya keren kualitas OK...agak lebar di badan tapi overall OK
kualitasnya...yg penting agan 1 ini
Quote:Original Posted By edjo BARANG SUDAH DI TANGAN.... BANGET NIH AGAN....AWAS
Quote:Original Posted By ...Ozie... Lapor Gan.. Barang Kiriman Sudah Sampai Ke
Tangan Ane


Terpercaya.. silahkan berbelanja di agan yang satu ini
fast respone & barang mulus 100%
Quote:Original Posted By saia gan barang udan sampe di jogja...
gilak keren abis gan barangnya.....salut agan seller yg jujur..thailand banjir
agan ngabari..maklum jarang liat berita..hhe berita isinya itu2 mulu...,
di tunggu orderan berikutnya gan..nabung dulu
Quote:Original Posted By bluestagbeetle walo banjir di thailand, pengiriman aga
tertundaga kecewa deh sama kualitas barangnya , bagoooosssss
tq agan najip

btw ane barca away no.4 fabregas tripple patch gan


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Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Engineer Officer (civil) Job at Kole District Local Government in Uganda

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Engineer Officer (civil) Job at Kole
District Local Government in Uganda'

Job Title: Assistant Engineer Officer (civil)
( Kole District Local Government, Uganda )
Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the following
vacant posts in Kole District Local Government.
Job Title: Assistant Engineer Officer (civil) Ref: KDLG/DSC/04/2013 Salary
Scale: U5 Number of Vacancy (1) Reports to: Town Engineer Responsible for:
Engineering Assistant.
Job Purpose:
To support and handle civil engineering works in the Urban Council.
Key Functions:
Preparing construction plans for civil works; Providing technical support to
the Local Communities provided; Collecting and compiling data on construction
and other civil works; and Developing collaborative mechanisms with
Should hold a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University
or Institution. A Trade Test Grade I from a recognized Institution.
How to apply:
Interested persons should obtain application forms PSC Form 3 (Revised 2008) in
triplicate from the Secretaries of District Service Commissions Department.
Handwritten applications are also accepted. Only photocopies of academic
qualifications should be certified. CVs and any other relevant documents, as
well as recent passport size photographs should be attached to each form.
Closing date will be on the 21st February, 2013. Applications should be
addressed to the Secretary, District Service Commission, Kole District, P.O. Box
419, Lira.
Deadline: 21st Feb 2013

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] Harga Toyota 86

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Harga Toyota 86'

Positifnya sambutan konsumen di tanah air untuk mobil ini, tentunya tidak
terlepas dari harga Toyota 86 yang bisa dikatakan murah untuk sebuah mobil di
kelas ini. Ditambah dengan kualitasnya sebagai sebuah mobil sport, yang akan
memberikan kepuasan kep...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lagu.CO] Penampilan JKT48 di Bintang Idola Cilik, 27 Januari 2013

Lagu.CO has posted a new item, 'Penampilan JKT48 di Bintang Idola Cilik, 27
Januari 2013'

JKT48 kembali diundang menjadi bintang tamu sebuah acara pencarian bakat, kali
ini Idola Cilik RCTI menjadi tempat mereka menghibur. JKT48 membawakan dua lagu
di acara ini, Baby! Baby! Baby! dan Gomen ne, SummerSebelum tampil, pembawa
acara Ayu Dewi dan Okky Lukman sempat mengadakan sesi obrolan dengan JKT48

Penampilan pertama, JKT48 membawakan lagu Baby! Baby! Baby!, dengan formasi
baru, Sonia sebagai center menggantikan Melody yang sedang absen
Penampilan kedua, sekaligus penampilan terakhir JKT48 di acara ini, JKT48
membawakan lagu Gomen ne, Summer, dengan formasi 7 member
Cukup mengejutkan melihat Sonia sebagai center lagu Baby! Baby! Baby!, namun ia
cukup baik menjalankan tugasnya. Member masih terlihat cukup lemas setelah
latihan seharian sehari sebelumnyaSetelah membawakan lagu Gomen ne, Summer,
kembali diadakan sesi obrolan. Ada Nao, si robot idola cilik yang berlagak
menjadi fans JKT48. Tingkah si robot mungil ini membuat member tersenyum-senyum
Kredit untuk kanal Arief Pratamadan JKT48FansIDyang telah merekam dan mengunggah
semua video di atasBergabunglah di grup JKT48 no Fansu! untuk saling berbagi
informasi, keceriaan dan pengalaman tentang JKT48 antar sesama fans JKT48!

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Senior and Junior Architects

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Senior and
Junior Architects'

PT Atelier T(w)o is a rapidly growing architecture and interior consultant with
multi scale exciting projects going on.We are looking for highly motivated
senior architects and junior architects to join our dynamic team, with
requirements for Senior ar...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] 5 Kesalahan menyimpan makanan dalam lemari es

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, '5 Kesalahan menyimpan makanan dalam lemari

Ilustrasi makanan di lemari es. ©Shutterstock/Hannamariah

Beberapa makanan bisa disimpan dalam lemari es agar lebih tahan lama. Namun
jangan sampai Anda melakukan kesalahan seperti yang dilansir dari Yahoo Shine
ini dan membuat makanan menjadi cepat busuk.Terlalu padatJangan terlalu padat
menyusun makanan dalam lemari es. Sebab di dalam lemari es biasanya harus ada
sirkulasi udara untuk menjaga makanan agar lebih tahan lama.Menutup pintuPintu
lemari terbuat dari bahan khusus agar ketika ditutup, udara dingin di dalamnya
tidak keluar. Jadi pastikan Anda menutup pintu lemari es dengan benar agar udara
dingin tetap terjaga dan mengawetkan makanan.Suhu terlalu dinginJangan mengatur
suhu yang terlalu dingin untuk lemari es, terutama jika isinya terlalu sedikit.
Selain menghabiskan banyak energi listrik, makanan yang terlalu dingin juga
tidak baik. Pastikan Anda mengatur suhu yang sesuai dalam lemari es.KotorJangan
malas membersihkan lemari es. Sebab ada banyak bakteri dari makanan atau minuman
yang kemungkinan besar tumpah di dalamnya. Jika Anda membiarkan lemari es kotor,
bakteri bisa meracuni makanan yang Anda simpan di dalamnya.Makanan panasJangan
pernah memasukkan makanan panas ke dalam lemari es. Sebab bakteri bisa
berkembang biak dengan cepat dan meracuni makanan yang Anda simpan dalam lemari
es.Itulah kesalahan menyimpan makanan dalam lemari es yang biasanya tidak
disadari. Jangan sampai Anda melakukannya ya!

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Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] Lenovo Looking To Fortify Its Mobile Business, Might Have Eyes Set On RIM

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'Lenovo Looking To Fortify
Its Mobile Business, Might Have Eyes Set On RIM'

Research in Motion is preparing to launch its brand new BlackBerry 10 devices
in less than a week but according to a Bloomberg report Lenovo might have some
merger plans that include the Canadian company. The Chinese multinational
computer maker is trying to boost its mobile business and executives are
dropping hints about the options.
LenovosChief Financial Officer Wong Wai Ming said that the company is looking at
all opportunities, RIM and many others. [...]Well have no hesitation if the
right opportunity comes along that could benefit us and shareholders. Lenovo
already bought a giant in the past, IBM, while Research in Motion lost the
majority of its users and market share to Apples iOS and Googles Android.
Apparently there is a team in place at Lenovo looking at options which also
include strategic alliances; however, the executive declined to commenton when
or whether the company will decide to make its bid for a mobile-device maker.
Source: Bloomberg

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Kaskus Marketplace] dijual Lensa Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 dan 50mm f2

Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'dijual Lensa Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 dan
50mm f2'

Dijual lensa manual Pentax-M 135mm f3.5 dan 50mm f2, K mount Pentaxlensa saja
dengan kondisi :no jamur no fog no baretLensa saja, dengan cap belakang dan cap
depan untuk 135mmLensa 50mm polos dengan lensa UV sajaLensa Pentax M 135mm f3.5
800rbLensa Pen...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[Info Mobil] {Dome} Penggantian karet support shockbreaker depan Aerio dengan KW

Info Mobil has posted a new item, '{Dome} Penggantian karet support shockbreaker
depan Aerio dengan KW'

sumber : milis AIC
gambar 1 - Karet Support Shockbreaker KW
Saatnya ganti lagi karet support depan, lumayan 1thnan bertahan..

Bentuk yg sekarang lebih meyakinkan drpd yg dulu,harga kena 110rb/piece. Kata
montir soni di senen jg blg ini lebih mirip ori..Harga @110rb ini non ori, kalau
ori @350rb

indikasi ganti : Ini tersangka terakir kalau balljoint&shockbreaker masih bagus
ya.. Bunyi dug gludug kalo kena jln bebatuan/rusak..
Baca selengkapnya

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Manager, Federal & International Programs The American Institute of Architects

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Manager, Federal
& International Programs The American Institute of Architects'

Manager, Federal & International Programs The American Institute of Architects
(AIA) - Washington D.C. Metro Area To Apply:
Job Description This is a two year term position on the Government and Community
Relations team in which the incumbent is responsible for advancing the
Institutes goals by implementing comprehensive initiatives focusing on
international market development and federal regulatory advocacy . The Manager,
Federal Agency Relations and International Programs will report to the Director
Federal Relations and Counsel while working closely with the Managing Director,
Government Relations & Outreach. Job Duties: Manage the AIAs international trade
mission program with the U.S Department of Commerce including member
mobilization efforts, grant management, program development, and content
development. Work with AIA components and federal agencies, including Commerce,
the Export-Import Bank, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, the Small
Business Administration and other applicable agencies, to develop educational
programs that educate AIA members about business and practice issues and
opportunities. Tracks federal regulations derived from a variety of sources
(print and electronic media, publications, telephone contact and attendance at
meetings, hearings, conferences, and other events) for international work.
Analyzes, researches, and presents pros/cons of impact of federal regulations
related to international trade on the architectural profession. Writes
reports/documents on issues of importance to the AIA surrounding international
trade issues for India, Sri Lanka and other including issue briefs, talking
points, strategy memos, articles, etc. Oversee content development, editorial
process and publication of the stories from AIA members on International trade
and international opportunities. Develop tool kits, presentations and other
resources to support AIA s international efforts. Manage other related duties as
assigned. Frequent Contacts: Executive Branch officials and staff Officers of
related organizations and trade associations AIA Government and Community
Relations Team AIA National staff AIA Leaders and Members AIA Meeting Planners
AIA website team members Desired Skills & Experience Demonstrated ability to
communicate effectively orally and in writing. Skill and experience in writing
and editing of print and electronic materials, including website content. Skill
in collaborative problem solving, conflict resolution, negotiation and active
listening. Skill in analyzing complex subjects in a timely manner, researching
and providing logical presentations. Ability to successfully coordinate multiple
priorities and responsibilities in a deadline driven environment. Strong
proficiency in Microsoft Office, including intermediate/advanced competency in
PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, Excel, and Outlook.. Knowledge of HTML preferred.
Skilled in using Internet browser/internet research-based methods and Web
content software applications, particularly related to and experience with
graphic design layout, pod and video casting, social media, etc. Bachelors
Degree in Public Affairs, Political Science or related degree required with 3-5
years of political, public affairs, or government relations preferred; law
degree with 1-3 years of experience in executive, legislative, corporate, and or
private sector a plus. Association related experience preferred. Supervisory
Requirements: None Company Description The American Institute of Architects
(AIA) is the leading professional membership organization for licensed
architects, emerging professionals, and allied partners. Its headquarters is in
Washington, DC, with approximately 200 employees and 300 local chapters. The AIA
serves its members through advocacy, information, and community. Each year the
AIA * Sponsors hundreds of continuing education experiences to help architects
maintain their licensure * Sets the industry standard in contract documents with
more than 100 forms and contracts * Provides countless Web-based resources for
emerging architecture professionals * Conducts market research on the economic
factors that affect the business of architecture * Hosts the annual AIA National
Convention and Design Exposition * Serves as an advocate of the architecture
profession * Champions architects future by enhancing public belief in the value
of design * Promotes design excellence through an awards program

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Film Belenggu 2013

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Film Belenggu 2013'

Film Belenggu merupakan Thriller Movie 2013, dan dibintangi oleh aktor dan
aktris populer dalam dunia perfilman. Sebut sajaAbimana dan Laudya Cynthia yang
ikut menjadi aktor dibalik horor movie indonesia ini. dan belakangan menjadi
sangat popluer diperbincangkan karena bakal menjadi tontonan yang oke di akhir

BELENGGU MOVIE SYNOPSIS dimulai dari suatu desa kecil yang mencekam karena aksi
brutal berandalan yang berkeliaran. Penyelidikanpun terhadap suatu kejadian dan
kejadianpun mulai dilakukan. Banyak orang yang ketakutan dan mencekam sehingga
saling mencurigai satu sama lain. Elang (Abimana) seringkali di hantui gambaran
buruk tentang kejadian aneh dimana dia melihat sesosok orang bertopeng Kelinci.
Pemuda tertutup dan pendiam itu merasa bahwa sosok bertopeng Kelinci itulah
kunci dari segalanya.

Laudya Cintya Bella yang dalam film belenggu berperan sebagai Djenar , tetangga
disebelah rumah susun Elang, selalu tampak tertekan karena masalah rumah
tangganya dengan sang suami (Verdi Soleman).Djenar selalu diliputi rasa
ketakutan bahwa bahaya sedang mengancam jiwa dirinya dan anak perempuannya. Dan
ia curiga bahwa hal itu berhubungan dengan peristiwa teror yang sebelumnya
terjadi. Kejadian-kejadian aneh yang terhubung dengan peristiwa pembunuhan,
muncul dalam hidup Elang dan juga melibatkan setiap orang yang berada
disekelilingnya. Termasuk seorang Oma gila (Bella Esperance) yang selalu
tiba-tiba muncul dan memberinya peringatan akan bahaya yang mengancam nyawa
Belenggu Movie TrailerFilm Belenggu 2013 Released: Unknown | Thriller | Prod:
Falcon Pictures | Dir: Upi |Belenggu 2013 Cast: Laudya Cynthia Bella, Abimana
Aryasatya, Imelda Therinne, Jajang C Noer,Bella Esperance, Teuku Wikana,Verdi

Film indonesia belenggu bisa disaksikan di bioskop tercinta atau nanti anda bisa
men download film belenggu di toko online yang menjual film 2013 belenggu.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] samsung galaxy S3 Battery usage

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'samsung galaxy S3 Battery

Obtaining simply a 1500mAh battery while using Samsung Universe S3 Tiny still
left all of us slightly confused. All of us double checked out, as well as the
Galaxy S2 provided a larger, 1650mAh battery. We might not necessarily fathom

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,


Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'TIKET / TICKET DAILY PASS JAVA JAZZ


You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Cell C South Africa Vacancies: 6 Positions

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Cell C South Africa Vacancies: 6

Cell C (Pty) Ltd is an award-winning mobile network operator in South
Africa, with more than 7 million customers. Cell C is committed to providing
reliable voice and high speed data services with its advanced HSPA+ network.
Cell C vision is to understand the way of life of its customers better than
anybody else, and tailor solutions around them to enhance lifestyle and improve
livelihoods. Cell C is also South Africas most empowered telecommunications
company in terms of equity ownership. For more information, please visit
Cell C looks to the future to bring you the technology of tomorrow today. Thats
why, above all, Cell C is a provider of possibilities. Every day, more South
Africans turn to us for simple, innovative, value-for-money products,
exceptional customer service, and the promise of something even better to come.
In the age of the internet the only constant is change. At Cell C we see change
as opportunity. So were connecting with our customers on Facebook, Twitter and
MXit. We want to harness the power of the internet to serve you better.
Cell C Careers South Africa
To apply for a position at Cell C, you are required to register your details on
Cell Cs Careers portal.
Please follow the steps below to register:

On the Careers homepage, click on Search (below Search Criteria).
Click on General application at the bottom of the next screen (below the job
This will take you to Cell Cs Privacy Statement. Once youve read the Privacy
Statement, click Continue.
Now complete the Candidate Homepage creation details on the right of the next
screen, which is the Candidate Homepage, and follow the prompts to complete your
registration. You only need to register once.
Once you have registered, simply log in on the left of the Candidate Homepage,
Candidate Homepage login details to apply for a position or access your details.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] Transfer Case Rebuild Repairprovoorem Utah

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'Transfer Case Rebuild Repairprovoorem Utah'

Maytag Parts Orem Utah Kitchenaid Dishwasher Parts.Orem Auto Body Paint
Collision And Repair Shop In Orem Utah.Transfer Case Rebuild Repair Provo Orem
Utah.Repair Quad Repair 4 Wheeler Repair Orem Utah Four Wheeler Repair.Maaco
Collision Re...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] Sekretaris Administrasi

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'Sekretaris Administrasi'


Jakarta Selatan Jakarta, DKI Jakarta (Indonesia)

Telepon: 021 996624011Website:

Profil Perusahaan

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Editorship at PERjobs

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Editorship at

Editorship at PERjobsPERjobs is searching for new members to join the editorial
squad. In the last five years, we've grown from one editor to an entire squad of
people. Hundreds of people read us from all over the world (though mostly the
US). &n...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Cara Agar Kencan Online Anda Sukses

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Cara Agar Kencan Online Anda Sukses'

Kencan online hingga kini tetap diminati oleh beberapa orang, malah makin
bertambah. Tidak sedikit yang sukses lho, tapi banyak juga sih yang gagal.
Kencan online memang tidak bertemu langsung dan bertatap muka. Oleh karena itu,
ada beberapa aturan yang harus Anda perhatikan sebelum terjun ke dalamnya.Ini
dia beberapa hal yang harus Anda hindari saat berpetualang di dunia
maya:Menuliskan profil standarIngin membuat orang tertarik untuk mengenal Anda?
Buatlah profil semenarik mungkin, tapi jangan terlihat seperti dibuat-buat atau
terlalu berlebihan. Jika profil Anda biasa saja, akan sulit menarik perhatian
orang-orang.Lelucon yang salahHumor sangat diperlukan untuk mencairkan suasana
yang tegang. Nah, bagaimana caranya jika Anda kencan online?Bev Bacon, penulis
Meet Me Dont Delete Me! Internet Dating: Ive Made All the Mistakes So You Dont
Have To! mengatakan kalau kita suka lupa bahwa penerima, yaitu teman kencan
Anda, tidak dapat mendengar suara kita, membaca bahasa tubuh kita, atau melihat
senyum kita. Jadi yang perlu Anda perhatikan adalah, jangan sampai kata-kata
yang Anda gunakan justru membuatnya tersinggung. Jangan sampai lelucon Anda
diartikan sebagai celaan olehnya. Pikirkan kembali kata-kata Anda agar tidak
terjadi kesalahpahaman.Terlalu cepat membalasYeaaayy, si Dia mengirim email.
Eits, tunggu dulu. Anda pasti akan merasa kegirangan akan hal itu, tapi jangan
terburu-buru membalasnya. Simpanlah balasan Anda dan kirimlah satu atau dua hari
setelah balasan tersebut. Pastinya si Dia akan penasaran menunggu balasan dari
Anda.Menurut Alyssa Woodtke, penulis 'Truth, Lies, and Online Dating', membalas
terlalu cepat akan memberikan kesan bahwa Anda memang sedang menunggu-nunggu
balasan darinya.Menggunakan simbol dan singkatan terlalu seringSeru sih saat
chatting menggunakan simbol-simbol atau emoticon yang bisa mengungkapkan
ekspresi, tapi jangan sering-sering. Pelatih kencan Kathryn Lord mengatakan,
penggunaan simbol dan singkatan, seperti LOL, ROTF, dan OMG, dapat membuat
pembacanya mengira Anda sedang tidak memiliki waktu untuk dirinya.Jadi, cobalah
untuk mengganti singkatan-singkatan tersebut dengan kata-kata yang dapat
menggambarkan suasana hati Anda, atau menambahkan kata-kata atau kalimat pada
emoticon yang Anda gunakan. Dengan begitu, pasangan kencan Anda akan lebih
merasa dihargai karena mendapat respon yang baik, tidak hanya simbol
saja.Terlalu personalKonsultan percintaan dan penulis SMART Man Hunting, Liz H.
Kelly menyarankan agar tidak memberikan informasi yang terlalu banyak mengenai
masa lalu Anda. Hal itu bisa membuat teman kecan menjadi bosan. Karena hal
tersebut bisa menciptakan tekanan dan menimbulkan kondisi yang tidak nyaman pada
kedua belah pihak. So, pilihlah pembicaraan yang pantas untuk diceritakan kepada
orang yang baru Anda kenal. Janganlah bercerita tentang kisah pribadi sampai
Anda sudah benar-benar percaya pada orang tersebut.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] The first smartphone that runs Firefox OS

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, 'The first smartphone that
runs Firefox OS'

Mozilla and Geeksphone developed the first smartphone that runs on Firefox OS,
the mobile operating system built on open web standards. This is not the final
version of the device, but rather a developer preview version, created by
Spanish hardware ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,


Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, 'JUAL KENWOOD AMPLIFIER A 848 &

Permisi Om Kaskus Ane Mau Numpang Jualan NihKenwood Stereo Integrated Amplifier
A 848 & Stereo Graphic Equalizer GE 848Suaranya Masih Maknyos Kuat Buat Ngangkat
Speaker 3 Way Polytron 10"Di Jual 1 Set Amplifier & Equalizernya Soalnya Harus

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace

[US Jobs Vacancies] Chennai job fair 2013

US Jobs Vacancies has posted a new item, 'Chennai job fair 2013'

Checkout the chennai job fair, Utlize this even to get yourself a job.

job fair.jpg (Size: 47.44 KB / Downloads: 4)

all the best

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
US Jobs Vacancies

[Info Mobil] DIY : memperbaiki semprotan nozzle wiper depan Aerio yang mampet

Info Mobil has posted a new item, 'DIY : memperbaiki semprotan nozzle wiper
depan Aerio yang mampet'

gambar 1 - Nozzle wiper depan Aerio
Well, Nozzle nya ga standard sih, maklum dulu beli aerio second hand dah diganti
begini nozzlenya, asalnya sih mayan model chrome ama bening nyala biru ngikut
lampu senja, tapi seiring usia chrome plastiknya pudar, beningnya kusem, lampu
LED biru nya padam satu sampai akhirnya newbie cabut aja kabel LED nya. Cuman
newbie senangnya model semprotannya yang nyebar merata, jadi bukan 2 titik per
nozzle seperti bawaan, jadinya lebih bisa basahin kaca dengan lebih luas dan

Nah sekarang wipernya kok ndak lancar, terutama yang sisi kanan / pengemudi.
Ntuh kiri kanan pompa wipernya jadi satu kok, jadi bukan masalah pompanya,
paling di ujung nozzlenya aja kotor. Newbie bersihin pakai jarum dan lancar
kembali.... sip.

Eh ga tahan lama, yang kanan ga nyemprot sama sekali, ngandalin kiri aja
sedikit, itupun ga lama yang kiri ikutan ngaco gara-gara buntet juga..... Ya
udah putusin buat buka total dah. Kalau ntar masih mampet lagi....ya terpaksa
kudu lepas tabungnya dan kuras bersih, mungkin banyak lumut / algae di sana....
Nah berikut cara lepasnya :Baca selengkapnya

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Info Mobil

[Lowongan Kerja Terbaru] PT Nestlé Indonesia

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru has posted a new item, 'PT Nestlé Indonesia'

PT Nestl Indonesia As the leading Food Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company,
Nestl has for the past 138 years produced the best products with a passion for
excellence in food safety and quality. We are committed to these ideals and
value the trust given to us by our consumers worldwide. If you share the same
passion for excellence we invite people with professional knowledge, personal
integrity, and strong motivation to excel and enjoy facing challenges in a
dynamic organization, to join us as: UTILITY OPERATORResponsibilities:Providing
quality support in maintaining and operating our utility facilities to ensure
smooth operation of our manufacturing activities in our plants. Training and
development plan will be provided to assist selected candidate to develop
his/her competences to meet our requirement. Qualifications:
Applicants mush holds a Diploma Degree (D3) in Mechanical Engineering with min.
GPA 3.00 of 4 scale
Having at least 2 years experience in operating utility machine (Boiler,
Generator Set, WWTP)
Enjoy working with people and have a lot of energy & passion
Quality and safety conscious
Proficient in English would be an advantage
Placement : Cikupa, Banten

Interested applicants may send application and CV in soft file (doc or pdf file
format) to :PT Nestl IndonesiaE-mail : recruitment.ckp@id.nestle.comwith subject
: UtilityNot later than 20th January 2013

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

[Job Listing in USA and Around The World] Career Opportunity 2013 Ubud Green Resort Villa

Job Listing in USA and Around The World has posted a new item, 'Career
Opportunity 2013 Ubud Green Resort Villa'

Career Opportunity - Ubud Green Resort Villa, a well growing boutique resort
located in Ubud is in search of the following positions:
1. Front Office (M)
With the criteria of:
- At least a two-year experience in the same position.
- Good command ...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Job Listing in USA and Around The World

[Kaskus.ES] Lirik Lagu Penta Boz - Namanya Juga Sayang

Kaskus.ES has posted a new item, 'Lirik Lagu Penta Boz - Namanya Juga Sayang'

LIRIK LAGUPenta Boyz - Namanya Juga Sayang LyricsOh namanya juga sayangJust play
it!Berbicara soal cinta gak ada habisnyaKarena begitulah cinta dan memang itu
cintaCinta bisa bikin orang mabuk kepayangTerbang melayang, lay...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,

[Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id] 21 Essential Social Privacy Tips

Gizmo - http://gizmo.web.id has posted a new item, '21 Essential Social Privacy

Sorry, readability was unable to parse this page for content.

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,


Kaskus Marketplace has posted a new item, '[REPOST-EDITED] IPAD 3/THE NEW IPAD

Bismillahirahmanirahim Jual iPad 3/ The New iPad* Retina Display, bening gan*
16 Gb wifi only, Camera 5 megapixel* OS 5.1.1, upgrade jadi OS 6.0.1 tinggal
pencet, belum dijailbreak masih perawan* Warna Putih, seputih Asmirandah.*
Pembelian Oktober kem...

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,
Kaskus Marketplace


Kerja has posted a new item, 'LABORATORY - PAM MINERAL, PT'


Male / Female
Education Level : S1 / D3 / SMK Chemical
Have at least 3 years experience in Nickle / Mineral Laboratory analysis,
Laboratory Instrument and calibrations, sample handling, including sample chain
custody and data applications
Knowledge or familiarity Laboratory analysis, Laboratory Instrument and
calibrations, sample handling, including sample chain custody, analysis method
and data applications
Familiarity with analysis method and data applications
Good presentation
Flexible and open minded
Able to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct in all
business dealings and to builds and maintains trust, respects, and supports
Strive to earn the trust of colleagues and partner
Strong in seeking learning activities
Able to establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse
Willing to work in remote locations in Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara or other
places in Indonesia

If you meet the above requirements, please send your detail resume, recent
photographs & expected salary not later than 14 days to:
"Apply Now"
Only short listed candidates will be notified

You may view the latest post at

Best regards,